
How nostalgic is the way I am sitting in front of the computer, thinking of how to put in writing the jumble of thoughts in my head. Over the past four years, it seems that I have forgotten how to express myself in a creative manner. Forgive me, I had sunk so deep in academic writing which my degree has required. But everyone can start again.

I graduated last June but I feel like it has been years since I left the university. The pain from a failed relationship is incomparable to the uprooting I had gone through the day after I shifted the sablay, the most significant part of our academic costume, from my right shoulder to the left. But that is the subject of my future post.

For now, I’ll keep this short and sweet. No matter how cliche it sounds, we can always pick up from where we left. It pays to keep the fire inside, to never tire of pursuits that defy what the world considers as productive. But yes, we have to be realistic about them too. Change the world, touch other people’s lives, one tiny step at a time.